You know 1 thing I’ve noticed about this money making thing ?
It’s a 3-stage period for all things in life
The Beginning
Everything looks good and sunny here
The Enduring
There’s no motivation and you have to be disciplined or principled to go on
The Result
Where you get everything you want
But most people don’t even get past the beginning
Kind of reminds me of something I noticed last year
I used to wonder what happened to those people that started going to gym and stopped after 2 weeks.
Did they have exams ?
Did they suddenly give birth?
Did they suddenly die?
I mean… who gyms during exams right? 😭
But when I started thinking about this I realize it was all an excuse…
An excuse to not put in the work
An excuse to make yourself feel better when other people ask you why you stopped
You know what’s even worse than this excuse
You keep telling this to yourself everyday as you get fatter, as your friends make more money and as another year comes to an end.
It kind of got me thinking…
What would actually happen if you could do that diet?
What would happen if after all that consistent bible study for 3 years you finally hear God’s voice
What would happen if after writing badass threads and approaching 100 companies daily you finally get that $100k job ?
What would finally happen if you just didn’t quit and stayed till the end?
So if you’re feeling unfulfilled in life … finish what you started
Get to 100,000 followers
Hit that $30,000 monthly quota
Trade that shitcoin and bag a few W’s
Because life will always have 3 stages not 1
P.S. Want my personal help?
I’m starting a monthly cohort in where I teach you how to take home an extra $10,000 every month with your DeFi Business brand
It’ll cost $300-$500.
If you’re interested in booking a spot.
Thanks for sharing this. Ever since I got my irl job, I found it hard to even do anything in the space.